One Young World Summit 2016 Ottawa
Venue : Canada・Ottawa
October 14, 2016
Okayama University student Karen Marschallek a fourth-year economics major, and Hidenori Satake, a third-year medical school student, participated in the global youth summit One Young World (OYW) as members of Japan’s delegation. The conference was held from September 28 to October 1, 2016 in Ottawa, Canada. Okayama University has been participating as an official partner since the summit held in Bangkok, Thailand, last year. Every year, it sends two student representatives and an observer, Atsufumi Yokoi, Okayama University President-appointed Senior University Global Administrator (UGA, responsible for international and strategic affairs).
The Canadian government was actively involved in this year’s summit. It organized a send-off party for the Japanese delegation before the start of the summit at the Embassy of Canada in Japan. Prime Minister Trudeau gave a speech in front of the parliament building as part of the opening ceremony of the summit, and a national welcome party for the guests was held.
Ms. Marschallek and Mr. Satake participated in discussions and workshops for international sessions and in networking sessions. They engaged in dialogue on a wide range of topics, including climate change, war and peace, refugees and immigrants, human rights, education, leadership, and social business.
After the summit ended, the two student representatives exchanged views with advisor Yokoi on their experiences and their aspirations going forward. Ms. Marschallek said that the conference was “a life-changing experience.” Mr. Satake said that it increased his concern for social issues.
This year was the seventh year of OYW. About 1,300 people from 196 countries around the world participated. The 2017 summit is scheduled to be held in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia.
Contact information
International Affairs Division, Center for Global Partnerships and Education
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(From left) Okayama University representatives Ms. Marschallek and Mr. Satake

Scene from session

Send-off party at the Embassy of Canada in Japan
Scene of the day
Two Okayama University students attend the One Young World Summit 2016 as representatives of Japan.